Order your shipment from Capalus here. Please enter your order number and weight and click 'Checkout'. You will find the weight and order number on your order confirmation from Capalus. When you have ordered shipping with us, we will continuously check whether there are shipments for you from Capalus.

Please enter order number and weight

Germany Denmark France Belgium Netherlands Ireland
0 - 30 6.95 € 10.95 € 10.95 € 8.95 € 12.60 € 12.95 €
30 - 60 12.95 € 21.90 € 21.90 € 17.90 € 25.20 € 25.90 €
60 - 90 18.95 € 32.85 € 32.85 € 26.85 € 38.20 € 38.85 €
90 - 120 24.95 € 43.80 € 43.80 € 35.80 € 50.80 € 51.80 €
120 - 150 30.95 € 54.75 € 54.75 € 44.75 € 63.40 € 64.75 €
150 - 180